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Healthier and Fewer Calories


Italy wants to crack down on Over-Fluffed Gelato


    PussyCat Gelato
* True Gelato
* Best Gelato in Town
* 100% Natural
* No Preservatives
* Artisan Handmade
* Small Batches
* No Additive After-Taste
* Vegan/Gluten-Free Sorbets
* Many Gluten-Free Gelatos  
       Gelato Alert    Know the Difference...

True Gelato

The easiest way to assess gelato is simply by looking at it. True gelato has muted natural colors, nothing bright. Pistachios are not actually electric green, and neither are kiwis, while cantaloupes are light orange, not bright orange. Gelato should be the color of its ingredients slightly lightened by milk so when you see gelato that looks like neon, even in Italy, it means it's jacked with ingredients not found in nature and should be skipped. Not every gelateria in Italy is good. PussyCat Gelato has no artificial colors, flavors. or preservatives. Our sorbets are vegan and gluten free. Our gelato is gluten free unless infused with a cookie, brownie or something of that nature.

"Fake" Gelato

"Fake" Gelato looks great and appetizing, but bright and colorful towering mounds of gelato are a sign of artificial additives; artificial colors and artificial flavors. It is also a sign of artificial preservatives. Often with these gelatos you will experience an unusual additive after-taste.

The biggest problems with "fake" gelatos are either “mass market” style made from bagged mixes, which you will find--but not limited to-- resort areas, malls and chains restaurants which seeks to improve on the original before mastering the original.

301 N.State Route 89A

Sedona, Arizona

Suite E

(Inside Sacajawea Plaza)


13 Main St.

Bisbee, Arizona

(520) 236-8849

Located in the heart of

Old Bisbee

7134 E 5th Ave.

Scottsdale, Arizona

(480) 203-8676

Located in Historic Old Town

321 E Allen Street

Tombstone, Arizona

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